Episode 4 – A New Cast

Warcast Episode 4

Podcast proudly sponsored by Irresistible Force

We return once again from a galaxy far, far away (If you live in England) to Welcome the first of our sponsors! Irresistible Force has jumped on the train to support Warcast, so for all your gaming needs, check out the irresistible force store at http://www.irresistibleforce.com.au! James, Shayne and Aaron arrive once again on the scene with a special guest, Local Skorne player and scene veteran: Andrew Haidon, to talk about the growth of the Canberra scene and recent happenings in gaming. Once again we answer your questions in Ask warcast, and hit the skorne scene in our model spotlight: Molik “I basically make this faction” Karn.

Again, don’t forget to add us on Facebook

~0 mins – Introduction and Sponsors

~15 mins – Fortnight in Wargaming
~36 mins – Ask Warcast
~55 mins – Model Spotlight – Molik Karn
~73 mins – Local Metagame over five years
~98 mins – Wrap up

About Warcast Online
Warcast is a community Warmachine and Hordes Podcast started by Aussie boys Aaron Harwood and James Moorhouse. Warcast hopes to bring enlightenment in hobby and battle to all you ‘Casters and ‘Locks across the Iron Kingdoms!

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