Episode 5 – Jamiecast

Warcast Episode 5 – Jamiecast

Warcast Episode 5 – Jamiecast – Sponsored by Irresistible Force and Battlefoam!

Welcome back normal people (We kicked aaron out for a week.. yay!) We discuss the local Canberran Warmachine league, the upcoming Oz Super Series Final, Timed turns v Deathclock, Ask Warcast as always and a special interview with Virtuoso (and gunfighter) Jamie Perkins. He discusses his Warmachine Experiences over the last few years, his prefferred factions and overseas tournaments that are coming up.

Please update your iTunes Feeds (we migrated server.. but have a new website!!) as well as join the Facebook page and even post on the forums and even jump on Twitter!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

James (And the Warcast crew.. but not Aaron… lazy sack)

0 Intro/Sponsors
9 Fortnight in Gaming
23 Ask Warcast
44 Discussion – Deathclock v Timed Turns
54 Interview – Jamie Perkins – Warmachine in UK and beyond
107 Wrap up

About Warcast Online
Warcast is a community Warmachine and Hordes Podcast started by Aussie boys Aaron Harwood and James Moorhouse. Warcast hopes to bring enlightenment in hobby and battle to all you ‘Casters and ‘Locks across the Iron Kingdoms!

3 Responses to Episode 5 – Jamiecast

  1. lazypeon says:

    Good podcast (and not because I’m mentioned), and a really good interview. Looking forward to your thoughts on Khador.

    • Khador was my nemesis for a long time when I started off playing Cryx. It’s taken a while but my enmity for them has finally waned and I am actually collecting them now 🙂 They are an interesting faction, really looking forward to what James is gonna do with them 🙂

    • Thanks Chris. The interview was the bit I wasn’t too sure on, so great to hear you enjoyed it. 🙂

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