Episode 5 – Jamiecast

Warcast Episode 5 – Jamiecast

Warcast Episode 5 – Jamiecast – Sponsored by Irresistible Force and Battlefoam!

Welcome back normal people (We kicked aaron out for a week.. yay!) We discuss the local Canberran Warmachine league, the upcoming Oz Super Series Final, Timed turns v Deathclock, Ask Warcast as always and a special interview with Virtuoso (and gunfighter) Jamie Perkins. He discusses his Warmachine Experiences over the last few years, his prefferred factions and overseas tournaments that are coming up.

Please update your iTunes Feeds (we migrated server.. but have a new website!!) as well as join the Facebook page and even post on the forums and even jump on Twitter!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

James (And the Warcast crew.. but not Aaron… lazy sack)

0 Intro/Sponsors
9 Fortnight in Gaming
23 Ask Warcast
44 Discussion – Deathclock v Timed Turns
54 Interview – Jamie Perkins – Warmachine in UK and beyond
107 Wrap up

Episode 4 – A New Cast

Warcast Episode 4

Podcast proudly sponsored by Irresistible Force

We return once again from a galaxy far, far away (If you live in England) to Welcome the first of our sponsors! Irresistible Force has jumped on the train to support Warcast, so for all your gaming needs, check out the irresistible force store at http://www.irresistibleforce.com.au! James, Shayne and Aaron arrive once again on the scene with a special guest, Local Skorne player and scene veteran: Andrew Haidon, to talk about the growth of the Canberra scene and recent happenings in gaming. Once again we answer your questions in Ask warcast, and hit the skorne scene in our model spotlight: Molik “I basically make this faction” Karn.

Again, don’t forget to add us on Facebook

~0 mins – Introduction and Sponsors

~15 mins – Fortnight in Wargaming
~36 mins – Ask Warcast
~55 mins – Model Spotlight – Molik Karn
~73 mins – Local Metagame over five years
~98 mins – Wrap up

Episode 3 – Castercast

Warcast Episode 3

Once again Aaron, James and Shayne are here to talk about how awesome Warmachine and Hordes is. We begin with our recent findings in the world of Warmahordes and the recent flux of interest in Australian wargaming! We talk of the ups and downs of Winning and Losing and player and scene development. This week we bring you a new segment, ASK WARCAST! We take your questions from the facebook page and discuss them on the show, so get on the facebook and ask us anything you want to know! Our Model Spotlight this week is the Khador Warcaster pButcher, and the topic of the week is how to use Arc nodes to keep your warcasters safe. The topic of online rankings is also discussed, and though we all are fairly strong advocates, we’d like to hear your sides of the story too! Love it or hate it, hop on the facebook, give us your opinions or questions on ANYTHING WARMACHINE and we’re happy to hear about it, and talk about it! Help us build the warmachine community, and most importantly, enjoy the show and have fun playing!

Don’t forget to join our Facebook group either!

~0 mins – Introduction
~2 mins – Current events in wargaming
~40 mins – Ask Warcast
~63 mins – Caster Spotlight
~79 mins – Arc Nodes
~101 mins – Wrap up

Episode 2 – Peoplecast

Warcast Episode 2

Once again we welcome back all Warlocks, Warcasters (And regular people – James) to join us delving into the ins and outs of Warmachine. Aaron and James are again Joined by Shayne to talk about a few recent games and a super secret solo (A Troll-o to be precise -Aaron) to get warmed up for a big topic this week: Central Deployment and keeping key support units safe. We wrap things up with a brief talk about wrath and domination and their projected effects on this year and beyond. Hope you enjoy the show!

We are very excited to get episode 2 up so soon after the great feedback from our premiere.

~0 mins – Introduction
~5 mins – Current events in wargaming
~25 mins – Model spotlight
~36 mins – Central deployment
~80 mins – Wrath and Domination
~95 mins – Wrap up

Episode 1 – Lylythcast

Warcast Episode 1 – Lylythcast

Just a quick note to let you know Warcast ep 1 is out and we would love you to have a listen. We are a Warmachine and Hordes Podcast intent on bringing you opinionated views on all aspects of the game, from both a competitive tournament level as well as a more casual approach.